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Surinder Chhabra

10 Reasons Of Getting Screen Out In SSB Interview

Getting screened out in the Services Selection Board (SSB) interview can be a disheartening experience for many candidates aspiring to join the Indian Armed Forces. The screening process, which typically involves the Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) test and the Picture Perception and Description Test (PPDT), is designed to filter out candidates who do not meet certain criteria. Here are ten common reasons why candidates get screened out in SSB interviews:

1. Poor Performance in OIR Test: The OIR test assesses a candidate's logical reasoning and verbal and non-verbal intelligence. Poor performance in these tests can result in a low OIR rating, affecting overall screening results.

2. Weak Story in PPDT: The PPDT requires candidates to write a story based on a picture shown to them. A weak, unclear, or unrealistic story can significantly impact the candidate's chances of selection.

3. Inadequate Group Discussion Skills: After writing the story, candidates must discuss it in a group. Inability to express thoughts clearly, dominating behavior, or lack of participation can lead to negative assessments.

4. Lack of Confidence: Confidence plays a crucial role in the SSB interview process. Nervousness, hesitation, or lack of assertiveness can be perceived as a lack of confidence.

5. Poor Communication Skills: Effective communication is essential. Candidates who struggle to articulate their thoughts clearly and concisely often find themselves at a disadvantage.

6. Negative Body Language: Non-verbal cues such as eye contact, posture, and gestures are critical. Negative body language can suggest lack of interest, confidence, or sincerity.

7. Failure to Display Officer-Like Qualities (OLQs): The SSB looks for OLQs such as leadership, teamwork, initiative, and decision-making ability. Failure to demonstrate these qualities can result in being screened out.

8. Inconsistent or Contradictory Responses: Inconsistent stories or contradictory behavior during different stages of the interview process can raise red flags about a candidate's reliability and integrity.

9. Poor Time Management: Candidates must manage their time effectively, whether it’s during the OIR test, PPDT story writing, or group discussion. Poor time management can lead to incomplete tasks and negative evaluations.

10. Unpreparedness: Lack of preparation is a common reason for getting screened out. This includes not being familiar with the SSB process, not practicing for the tests, and not preparing for potential questions or scenarios.

Improving in these areas can enhance a candidate's chances of passing the screening stage and moving forward in the SSB interview process.

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