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It is an indoor task. All the participants are briefed about the task while they are sitting in a horseshoe formation with the map/modal placed between them. There are five stages.

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Cavalier Delhi - Rigorous Training for Armed Forces Exams

•  The G.T.O introduces the candidates to the map or the model in the a simple and detailed manner.
•  The G.T.O then reads out a story and relates it to the map/model. The story will bring out a set of problems which the candidates have to resolve in their planning.
•  The same story card is handed over to the candidates individually for them to read and understand in the five minutes allotted.
•  The candidates are then given 10minutes to make their plans individually and also write the plan.
•  The candidates should be adaptable and should be able to react rationally under stress.
•  Once the plans are written individually, the group is then put through a discussion for 15-20 minutes with an aim to work out a common plan.

After a common plan is arrived at, one of the members narrates the same to the G.T.O on behalf of the group.

What is expected

Has the candidate been able to grasp the situations/problems properly.
Having grasped  the situation, can the candidate deal with them in rational and logical manner.
Is the candidate able to understand the nature and gravity of each problems in some order of priority.
Can the candidate identify the given and available resources and put them to effective use.
Is the candidate able to understand and manage the time required to deal with each 
situation/problem separately.
Is the candidate able to provide a workable solution.
Has the candidate been able to overcome all the problems in an organised manner?
Was the candidate able to put across his point of view effectively during the discussion?
Was the candidate open to accepting others point of view? Did the candidate show keeness to come to a final common plan or was he adamant?
Is the candidate able to convince others on the common workable plan.

Types of Problems:

•  Out the four problems given one will be of body injury to a person which may be fatal.
•  In addition there will be 2 problems of a highly larger magnitude which will be happening at some place not too far and after sometime
•  The fifth problem is generally of minor nature and has to be dealt with fourth accordingly. e.g
•  A person is likely to be kidnapped.
•  Bomb likely to explode in a bus, train.
•  Water, milk, Prasad etc being poisoned.
•  Looting of a bank, jewellers etc.

Important Tips for GPE:-

(a) the candidate must understand the map and find out resources he can use
(b) Understand all essentials while the GTO narrates the plot
(c) When the narrative is given to the candidate, he /she should remain calm and correlate/ the  problem to the time of occurance
(d) Priorotise the problems logically and allocate proper resources to each group
(e) While writing the plan do not be too verbose Be brief while writing the plan.
(f) During discussion be open to others views as well (other  guidelines of GD given above will apply)
(g) Be logical in your approach
(h) In the final narration be clear and crisp

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