The official logo for the brand - The Cavalier

Refund Policy

  1. The fee has four components
    • Registration Fee
    • Admissions Fee
    • Books/Ebook/Stationary/Infrastructure
    • Tuition Fee
  2. First three components of fee are non refundable under any circumstances whatsoever
  3. Only After the full fees has been deposited by the student he/ she shall be eligible for any refund .
  4. Refund at any stage of the course would be allowed only under extreme compassionate grounds, for which the student will have submit a written application in person along with authentic supporting documents in original . The original documents will be returned to the student after scrutiny and verification.
  5. Refund is a process which takes time. The refund will be made after one week of submission of the refund application only through banking instruments .
  6. GST on the fee will be borne entirely by the student
  7. Written exam coaching.
    • Refund only of Tuitions Fee Component will be :
    • Within the first 15 days —Refund of 75% of TF
    • within 1 month — 50 % of TF
    • After 1 month —-No Refund
  8. SSB interview Course
    • Refund only on Tuition Fee component would be
    • Within the first 5 days 25% of TF
    • After 5 days No Refund
  9. Fees can not be refunded in case of classes being suspended or Terminated due to restrictions imposed by State /Central Government or due to force majeure or any act of god beyond academies Control.