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SSB Interview Tips

SSB Tips has been designed as a special online guide for the benefit of our students.

We felt the necessity to introduce this feature as a lot of students come to us for coaching after having read a lot of UNAUTHENTIC ONLINE MATERIAL or SSB Interview Coaching books which have mostly OUTDATED and / or have been written by INEXPERIENCED persons. The result is that they carry a lot of UNWANTED BAGGAGE which adversely affects their learning process.

SSB Tips has five sections, namely, Screening Test, Psychology Test, GTO Series and Personal Interview and Conference. Each section is further sub divided according to the number of Tests / Tasks in each of these sections.

All Test / Tasks are described in detail and guidelines and how to prepare and practice for each are written by officers who carry SSB Centers practical experience as Psychologists, GTO and Interviewing officer.

Psychology Section has also got Practice Sessions for TAT, WAT AND SRT. These practice sessions are on a hyper link and will be of immense value to all candidates.

For more details

Fresh Batch For SSB Interview Coaching Starts Every Sunday. 

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