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Not Recommended in SSB Interview? Am I a Failure

Failure, Interview, Recommended

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Not Recommended in SSB Interview? Am I a Failure

Am I a failure or Looser? Is a common reaction on not being recommended in SSB Interview.


Being Failure\Looser is a matter of YOUR CHOICE, the selection board only declined NOT RECOMMENDED. Remember the Defence _force____ are short of officers and the boards are eager to Recommend you. The question is, were you really eager aid prepared to get recommended? Did you really go fully performed to face the interview? Did you really give it your BEST while performing for the Interview.

How do you say that you GIVE IT YOUR BEST and was your BEST really the BEST. If you INTROSPECT you may fall short of what people do when they put in their BEST. Read about a few awarders of Param Vir Chakras and other Brovehearts who achieved Gallantry awards! That may give you a WAKE UP CALL WHY ME   Syndrome or THAT GUY DIDN’T SESERVE TO BE RECOMMENDED is a looser attitude and ATTITUDE matter so what’s your Attitude?

Look inside and WAKE UP. Don’t CRY, YELL or PITY yourself. Get up and take         ACTION


-Stop confining

-Repeater is not a Failed Guy. Repeater is not a negative TAG. It’s just a word for a person who knows HOW NOT TO GIVE UP

-Recognise your shortcomings in the previous SSB Interview. If you can’t actually pin point CONSULT SOME EXPERTS who can do it for you. May be at some institute . At    times you may be missing out on the Actual pro becomes without expert guidance and     focus shifts to non issues

 Remember NOTHING is difficult if you have a strong and focused mind. 

-Focus your attention on the aspects you find wore lacking in previous interviews.

-Build on your General Awareness – It’s the key to your Lecture note. Group Discussion and personal Interview. Go to the depth of the issues and see it from different point of views. Superficial reading never helps it only shows your lack of intent. Most people who don’t make it have only superficial knowledge which assessors take negatively.

-There are many candidates who make it even after more than 10 times of being not recommended. Take inspiration from tem. The interview boards give you repeated chances not because they want to reject you but because they think that given a chance you can prove yourself after an EVEN BETTER performing.  If SSB selection Board have faith in you. WHY DON’T YOU HAVE FAITH IN YOURSELF

-So get going and show that you YOU WILL JUST NOT GIVE UP.