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Rewant Ahlawat Recommended Respectively From 2 AFSB From Mysore for Airforce and 11 SSB Allahabad for Army

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Many Many Congratulations! to candidate Rewant Ahlawat who took SSB Interview Training at #TheCavalierAcademy and has been successfully recommended from 2 AFSB Mysore For Indian Air Force.

He has been also recommended from 11 SSB Allahabad for Indian Army

Fewer problems, more solutions – keep working like this and nothing will be able to stop you from reaching the top - Well done Rewant.

"The spirit within us has the ability to grow beyond all time, space , and physical matter in response to our receptivity. Our job is to remain open, so we continue to grow."

To know more information about the SSB Interview Training and UPSC Written Examinations Coaching for NDA, CDS, AFCAT and ACC courses offered at The Cavalier, Please visit our website :


#TheCavalier India's no.1 Institute For Defence Preparation